List of publications
- Czajkowski M., Jurczuk K, Kretowski M.: Steering the interpretability of decision trees using lasso regression - an evolutionary perspective, Information Sciences Elsevier, vol. 638:118944.
- Czajkowski M.: Relative Relations in Biomedical Data Classification, Encyclopedia of Data Science and Machine Learning, IGI Global, Vol.5:2702-2712.
- Czajkowski M., Jurczuk K, Kretowski M.: Relative Relations in Biomedical Data Classification , ICCS'23 Lecture Notes In Computer Science, vol. 14074,:722-729.
- Godlewski A., Czajkowski M., A comparison of different machine-learning techniques for the selection of a panel of metabolites allowing early detection of brain tumors, Scientific Reports, vol. 13:11044.
- Szczerbiński L., Janucik, A., ..., Czajkowski M., et. al: 1252-P: Differences in Cardiometabolic and Immune Biomarkers between Novel Subphenotypes of Individuals at Elevated Risk for Type 2 Diabetes, Diabetes, , vol. 72:1252–P.
- Szpakowicz A., Szum-Jakubowska A., ..., Czajkowski M., et. al: The FCGR2A Is Associated with the Presence of Atherosclerotic Plaques in the Carotid Arteries—A Case-Control Study, Journal of Clinical Medicine, vol. 12(20):6480.
- Jurczuk K., Czajkowski M., Kretowski M.: Compact In-Memory Representation of Decision Trees in GPU-Accelerated Evolutionary Induction, PPAM'22, Lecture Notes In Computer Science, Springer vol. 13826: 126-138.
- Jurczuk K., Czajkowski M., Kretowski M.: From Random Forest to an interpretable decision tree - An evolutionary approach, GECCO'23 Proceedings, pp. 291-294.
- Jurczuk K., Czajkowski M., Kretowski M.: GPU-based acceleration of evolutionary induction of model trees , Applied Soft Computing , Elsevier, vol. 119:108503.
- Padilla-Martinez Felipe, Szczerbiński Łukasz, ..., Czajkowski M., et. al: Testing the Utility of Polygenic Risk Scores for Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity in Predicting Metabolic Changes in a Prediabetic Population: An Observational Study, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 23(24):16081.
- Czajkowski M., Jurczuk K, Kretowski M.: Accelerated evolutionary induction of heterogeneous decision trees for gene expression-based classification , GECCO'21 Proceedings, pp. 946-954.
- Reska D., Czajkowski M., Jurczuk K., Boldak C., Kwedlo W., Bauer W., Koszelew J., Kretowski M.: Integration of solutions and services for multi-omics data analysis towards personalized medicine, Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Elsevier, vol. 41: 1646–1663.
- Jurczuk K., Czajkowski M., Kretowski M.: Multi-GPU approach to global induction of classification trees for large-scale data mining, Applied Intelligence , Springer, vol. 51: 5683–5700.
- Jurczuk K., Czajkowski M., Kretowski M.: Fitness evaluation reuse for accelerating GPU-based evolutionary induction of decision trees, International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications , SAGE, doi: 10.1177/1094342020957393.
- Jurczuk K., Czajkowski M., Kretowski M.: Understanding evolutionary induction of decision trees: a multi-tree repository approach, GECCO'21 Proceedings, pp. 155-156
- Czajkowski M., Jurczuk K, Kretowski M.: Generic Relative Relations in Hierarchical Gene Expression Data Classification, PPSN'20 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, vol. 12270: 372-384. (ppsn2020.pdf)
- Czajkowski M., Jurczuk K, Kretowski M.: Tree Based Advanced Relative Expression Analysis, ICCS'20 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, vol. 12139: 496-510. (iccs2020.pdf)
- Czajkowski M., Jurczuk K, Kretowski M.: Relative Expression Classification Tree. A Preliminary GPU-based Implementation, PPAM'19 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, vol. 12043: 359-369. (ppam2019a.pdf)
- Jurczuk K., Czajkowski M., Kretowski M.: Accelerating GPU-based Evolutionary Induction of Decision Trees - Fitness Evaluation Reuse, PPAM'19 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, vol. 12043: 421-431. (ppam2019b.pdf)
- Czajkowski M., Kretowski M.: Decision Tree Underfitting in Mining of Gene Expression Data. An Evolutionary Multi-Test Tree Approach, Expert Systems With Applications, Elsevier, vol. 137: 394-404. (ESWA.pdf)
- Czajkowski M., Kretowski M.: Relative evolutionary hierarchical analysis for gene expression data classification, GECCO'19 Proceedings, pp. 1156-1164 (gecco19a)
- Czajkowski M., Kretowski M.: A Multi-Objective Evolutionary Approach to Pareto Optimal Model Trees, Soft Computing, Springer, vol. 23(5): 1423-1437 (sc2019.pdf)
- Czajkowski M., Kretowski M.: Drzewa decyzyjne oraz klasyfikatory wykorzystujące względną ekspresję w pozyskiwaniu wiedzy z danych genomicznyc, Informatyka w medycynie vol. 7: 267-279
- Jurczuk K., Czajkowski M.,Kretowski M.: Multi-GPU approach for big data mining - global induction of decision trees, GECCO'19 Companion, pp. 175-176 (gecco19b)
- Kretowski M., Czajkowski M.: Evolutionary Algorithms for Global Decision Tree Induction, Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, 4st Edition, 2132-2141.
- Jurczuk K., Czajkowski M., Kretowski M.: GPU-accelerated evolutionary induction of regression trees, TPNC'17. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, vol. 10687: 87-99. (tpnc2017.pdf)
- Jurczuk K., Czajkowski M., Kretowski M.: Evolutionary Induction of a Decision Tree for Large Scale Data. A GPU-based Approach, Soft Computing, Springer, vol. 21: 7363-79 (SC.pdf)
- Czajkowski M., Kretowski M.: A Multi-Objective Evolutionary Approach to Pareto Optimal Model Trees. A Preliminary Study, TPNC'16. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, vol. 10071: 85-96. (tpnc2016.pdf)
- Czajkowski M., Czajkowska A., Kretowski M.: TIGER: an evolutionary search for Top Inter-GEne Relations, International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics, vol. 16: 170-185. (IJDMB.pdf)
- Czajkowski M., Kretowski M.: The Role of Decision Tree Representation in Regression Problems - an Evolutionary Perspective, Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier, vol. 48: 458-475. (ASC.pdf)
- Czajkowski M., Jurczuk K., Kretowski M.: Hybrid Parallelization of Evolutionary Model Tree Induction, ICAISC'16. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, vol. 9692: 370-379. (ICAISC.pdf)
- Czajkowski M., Czerwonka M., Kretowski M.: Cost-sensitive global model trees applied in loan charge-off forecasting, Decision Support Systems, Elsevier, vol. 74: 57-66. (DSS.pdf)
- Czajkowski M., Jurczuk K., Kretowski M.: A Parallel Approach for Evolutionary Induced Decision Trees. MPI+OpenMP Implementation, ICAISC'15, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, vol. 9119: 340-349. (ICAISC.pdf)
- Czajkowski M., Kretowski M.: Evolutionary Induction of Global Model Trees with Specialized Operators and Memetic Extensions, Information Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 288: 153-173. (IS.pdf)
- Czajkowski M., Grześ M., Kretowski M.: Multi-test decision tree and its application to microarray data classification, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Elsevier, vol. 61(1): 35-44. (AIIM.pdf)
- Czajkowski M., Kretowski M.: Evolutionary Approach for Relative Gene Expression Algorithms, The Scientific World Journal, Hindawi, 2014:593503. (TSWJ.pdf)
- Czajkowski M., Czerwonka M., Kretowski M.: Cost-Sensitive Extensions for Global Model Trees. Application in Loan Charge-Off Forecasting, ICSS'13. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, vol. 400: 315-324. (ICSS.pdf)
- Kretowski M.,Czajkowski M.: Global Induction of Classification and Regression Trees, Encyclopedia of Business Analytics and Optimization, 1st Edition, 1080-1089.
- Czajkowski M., Kretowski M.: An Evolutionary Algorithm for Global Induction of Regression and Model Trees, International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management, vol. 5(3): 261-276. (IJDMMM.pdf)
- Czajkowski M., Kretowski M.: Global Induction of Oblique Model Trees: An Evolutionary Approach, ICAISC'13. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, vol. 7895: 1-11. (ICAISC.pdf)
- Czajkowski M., Kretowski M.: Global Top-Scoring Pair Decision Tree for Gene Expression Data Analysis, EuroGP'13. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, vol. 7831: 229-240. (EuroGP.pdf)
- Czajkowski M., Kretowski M.: Does Memetic Approach Improve Global Induction of Regression and Model Trees?, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, ICAISC'12. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, vol. 7269: 174-181. (ICAISC.pdf)
- Czajkowski M., Grześ M., Kretowski M.: Multi-Test Decision Trees for Gene Expression Data Analysis, S&IIS'11. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, vol. 7053: 154-167. (SIIS.pdf)
- Czajkowski M., Kretowski M.: An Evolutionary Algorithm for Global Induction of Regression Trees with Multivariate Linear Models, ISMIS'11. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, vol. 6804: 230-239.(ISMIS.pdf)
- Czajkowski M., Kretowski M.: Top Scoring Pair Decision Tree for Gene Expression Data Analysis, In: Arabnia H., Tran Q. (Eds.) Software Tools and Algorithms for Biological Systems, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Springer, vol. 696: 27-35. (AEMB.pdf)
- Czajkowski M., Kretowski M.: Globally Induced Model Trees: An Evolutionary Approach, PPSN XI. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, vol. 6238: 324-333. (PPSN.pdf)
- Czajkowski M., Kretowski M.: An extension of TSP-family algorithms for microarray classification, Advances in Computer Science Research, vol. 4: 31-45. (ZNPB.pdf)
- Czajkowski M., Kretowski M.: Novel extension of k-TSP algorithm for micro-array classification, IEA-AIE'08. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, vol. 5027: 456-465. (IEAAIE.pdf)
- Kretowski M.,Czajkowski M.: An Evolutionary Algorithm for Global Induction of Regression Trees, ICAISC'10.Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, vol. 6114: 157-164. (ICAISC.pdf)