Wprowadzenie do teorii decyzji i analizy decyzji
Wykladowca: Marek J. Druzdzel
Plan zajec semestr zimowy 2023-2024:
25 pazdziernika 2023:
Getting to know each other; organization and overview of the course.
Decision making; uncertainty, preferences, and actions;
motivation for decision support; decision support systems.
Rationality, rational behavior; good decisions vs. good outcomes;
foundations of decision-analytic approach to decision support.
15 listopada 2023:
A brief overview of useful statistical techniques.
22 listopada 2023:
Bayesian networks.
Introduction to GeNIe and SMILE?.
29 listopada 2023:
Structuring decisions, causality and probability.
6 grudnia 2023:
Subjective probability, elicitation of probabilities.
Canonical probability distributions: Noisy-OR, -MAX, -AND, -MIN, DeMorgan gates.
(non)Importance of precision in numerical parameters.
Clarity test, sensitivity analysis, value of information.
13 grudnia 2023:
Learning Bayesian networks/causal discovery.
20 grudnia 2023:
Model validation techniques.
10 stycznia 2024:
Risk attitudes.
Quantification of preferences.
Expected utility theory.
Utility elicitation, sensitivity analysis, value of information.
17 stycznia 2024:
Conflicting objectives: basic techniques, multi-attribute utility functions.
24 stycznia 2024:
Influence diagrams.
Materialy z przedmiotu
Marek Druzdzel: Dydaktyka
Strona glowna Marka Druzdzela
marek@sis.pitt.edu /
Last update: 25 pazdziernika 2023